6 hours 14 demo tunes

The other day we teamed up in our (secret) trio to record a demo with our (secret) guest singer from Spain. The project is in its initial phase, and the session was our first meeting. The trio had not met to rehearse or prepare the tunes, and I was the only one who knew our vocalist who was featured as a guest with another band last spring. Needless to say, we had a great 6 hours together, and jumped from one tune to the next, playing spontaneously intros, outtros and solos. Turnarounds were negotiated on the spot. We let the tape run continuously and ended up with recordings of 14 tunes which will make up parts of our repertoire in future gigs, dates TBA.

Ex 1. what’s the title again?

Ex 2. A taste of christmas

Ex 3. A piece by Cohen

Ex. 4. A smooth ballad

Ø. Kvinge

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